Getting Started
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
The Trace keys give access to all trace settings, to the limit check settings, and to the
marker functions including marker search.
[Meas]: select the measured and displayed quantity.
[Format]: define how measured data (traces) are presented.
[Scale]: define how traces are scaled.
Config]: store traces to memory and perform mathematical operations on
[Line]: define limits for measurement results, visualize them in the diagrams and
activate/deactivate the limit check.
[Marker]: position markers on a trace, configure their properties and select the for-
mat of the numerical readout. Markers can also be used to locate specific points on
the trace, define the sweep range, and scale the diagram.
The Channel keys give access to channel-related settings.
Avg]: define the power of the internal signal source, the IF bandwidth, and
the sweep average.
[Sweep]: define the scope of measurement, including the sweep type and the num-
ber of measured sweeps.
[Cal]: functions that are necessary to perform and manage calibrations.
Config]: functions for channel management.
[Mode]: set up channels for particular (non-standard) measurements.
Embed]: functions for embedding and deembedding a DUT.
The Stimulus keys define the sweep range, depending on the sweep type.
The System keys give access to (or provide) general system functions.
Create, save or load recall sets.
Save or load trace data.
Send the contents of the active diagrams to a file, to the clipboard, or to an
external printer (incl. content definition and printer setup).
[DUT]: starting point for DUT-centric measurement setup.
Define DUTs to be measured (type, properties)
Choose the measurements to be performed on a selected DUT.
The analyzer firmware then helps you to set up the channels accordingly.
[Applic]: external software tools and optional extensions of the analyzer firmware.
[Display]: display settings and functions that activate, modify and arrange different
[Setup]: general system settings that are not restricted to a particular recall set.
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