Getting Started
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
After power-on, the analyzer automatically goes to standby or ready state, depend-
ing on the state of the standby toggle key at the front panel when the instrument
was switched off last time.
2. If necessary, press the standby toggle key on the front panel to switch the instru-
ment to ready state.
Chapter 3.1.8, "Standby and ready state"
The instrument automatically performs a system check, boots the Windows
ating system and then starts the vector network analyzer (VNA) application. If it
was terminated regularly, the VNA application restores all recall sets and instru-
ment settings of the previous analyzer session.
To shut down the instrument
1. Press the standby toggle key.
Pressing the standby toggle key causes the instrument to save all loaded recall
sets, to close the VNA application, to shut down Windows
, and to go to standby
state (see
Chapter 3.1.8, "Standby and ready state"
Of course, you can also perform these steps manually, like in any Windows ses-
2. If desired, set the AC power switch to position
To disconnect from power
The R&S
ZNA is in standby state.
Risk of data loss. If you disconnect the product from power when it is in
the ready state, you can lose settings and data. Shut it down first.
Set the switch on the power supply to position [0].
The LED of the standby toggle key key is switched off.
2. Disconnect the R&S
ZNA from the power source.
To guarantee the specified functionality, after turning off the R&S
ZNA, you have to wait
for at least 10 seconds before turning it on again. This rule applies to both the AC
power off and the standby state.
Standby and ready state
Thestandby toggle key is located in the bottom-left corner of the front panel.
In standby state, the LED on the standby toggle key is orange, in ready state it is
green. The standby power only supplies the power switch circuits and the optional high
precision quartz (R&S
ZNA-B4, "Precision Oven Quartz Frequency Reference"). In this
state, it is safe to switch the AC power off and disconnect the instrument from the
power supply. In ready state, all modules are power-supplied. When switched to ready
state, the analyzer initiates its startup procedure.
Preparing for use