Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
After you have finished the leveling procedure and have applied the scalar power cali-
bration, the created leveling datasets are automatically activated. They can be disacti-
vated or reactivated in the
Although leveling is performed in the standard power cal wizard, the created leveling
dataset is applied to all channels in the current recall set. A "Preset" does not affect the
leveling dataset and whether or not it is used for power control.
System error correction
S-parameters are to be measured, an additional system error calibration is recommen-
ded after power calibration. Measurements with frequency converters require a special
waveguide calibration kit for system error correction. Rohde & Schwarz offers these,
e.g. the calibration kits R&S
ZV-WRxx. The standards in the calibration kits allow all
Optional extensions and accessories