Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Circuit models for 4-port networks
The lumped element 4-port transformation networks for (de-)embedding consist of the
following two basic circuit blocks:
A capacitor C connected in parallel with a resistor.
An inductor L connected in series with a resistor.
The transformation networks comprise various combinations of 3 basic circuit blocks,
where two blocks represent serial elements, the third a shunt element. In the default
setting the resistors are not effective, since the serial Rs are set to 0 Ω, the shunt Rs
are set to 10 MΩ. Moreover, the serial elements can be replaced by imported 2-port S-
parameters, or the entire transformation network can be described by imported 4-port
The first network is defined by its S-parameters stored in an imported four-port Touch-
stone file (
). No additional parameters are required.
The following networks are composed of a shunt C or L and two serial elements,
described by imported 2-port S-parameters. They are named
Serial 2-port, Shunt C / Serial 2-port, Shunt L /
Shunt L, Serial 2-port / Shunt C, Serial 2-port
Offset parameters and de-/embedding