Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Zeroing calibrates the external power meter by adjusting its reading at zero signal
power. For this purpose, the RF cable between the analyzer and the power sensor
must be disconnected (see tips below!). R&S power sensors and power meters auto-
matically detect the presence of any significant input power. This aborts zeroing and
generates an error message. Zeroing can take a few seconds, depending on the power
meter model; refer to the documentation of your external power meter for more infor-
Repeat zeroing
During warm-up after switching on or connecting the instrument
After a substantial change of the ambient temperature
After fastening the power meter to an RF connector at high temperature
After several hours of operation
When low-power signals are to be measured, e.g. less than 10 dB above the lower
measurement limit.
A reset of the network analyzer does not affect the last zeroing result.
Power meters for mm-waves
The R&S
ZNA supports the following power meters that are particularly suitable for
NRP110T or its predecessor R&S
NRP-Z58 for frequencies up to 110 GHz
Figure 4-45: R&S
This power meter is equipped with a 1mm coax connector, so a suitable WRxx to
mm adapter is required. For details concerning its usage, see the
NRPxxT(N) or R&S
NRP-Z Power Sensors User Manual.
VDI Erickson power meters PMx and PM4
for frequencies above 110 GHz
VDI Erickson power meters PMx and PM4
For frequencies above 110 GHz, VDI Erickson power meters PM5 or PM4 can be
Optional extensions and accessories