Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
The following networks are composed of two serial Cs or Ls (as seen from the analyzer
test port), followed by a shunt C or L. They are named
Serial Cs, Shunt L /
Serial Ls, Shunt C / Serial Cs, Shunt C / Serial Ls, Shunt L
The following networks are composed of a shunt C or L (as seen from the analyzer test
port), followed by two serial Cs or Ls. They are named
Shunt L, Serial Cs /
Shunt C, Serial Ls / Shunt C, Serial Cs / Shunt L, Serial Ls
Since FW version 1.93, the "capacitance C<i> in parallel with resistance R<i>" circuit
blocks can alternatively be represented as "capacitance C<i> in parallel with conduc-
tance G<i>" circuit blocks.
Port pair de-/embedding
Port pair de-/embedding extends the functionality of balanced port de-/embedding to
pairs of single-ended physical ports. The analyzer uses the 4-port transformation net-
works known from balanced port de-/embedding, however, each transformation net-
work is assigned to an arbitrary pair of (single-ended) physical ports.
A simple circuit which can be modeled using port pair (de-)embedding is a circuit (e.g.
a resistance) between two ports of a DUT. To obtain the circuit in the following figure,
select port pair 1,2 and the Serial Ls, Shunt L transformation network with all inductan-
ces set to zero (L1 = L2 = L3 = 0 H) and R1 = R2 = 0 Ω.
To model a general (de-)embedding network for ports 1 and 2, select port pair 1, 2 and
a 4-Port Touchstone file.
Offset parameters and de-/embedding