GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Remote command:
Limit Check
Switches the limit check of the active trace on or off.
When the limit check is switched on, a movable "PASS" or "FAIL" message is dis-
played in the diagram. If the limit check fails at a measurement point, the point is
marked with a colored square. An acoustic signal (
) and a TTL signal
indicating pass or fail can be generated in addition.
The appearance of the limit fail symbols is defined in the "Define User Color Scheme"
dialog (see
Chapter, "Define User Color Scheme dialog"
can choose between various options:
Change the trace color between failed measurement points.
Show or hide the colored squares.
Circle limit check and display of limit circles are independent of each other:
The limit circles can be displayed, no matter if the circle limit check is enabled.
If "Limit Check" is enabled, the ripple limits are checked, no matter if they are
If result evaluation is limited to a user-defined
on page 444 is only performed inside this display circle.
The circle limits can only be checked if the trace format is complex. While a carte-
sian format is active, the limit circles are hidden and the circle limit check is sus-
If the limit check for (cartesian)
is enabled, it is also evaluated in complex
Lines softtool