GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
"Use Coupler
as Combiner"
This configuration does not require an external combiner, but pro-
vides a reduced dynamic range. It combines the signals of the lower
tone and upper tone sources using the directional coupler of the
upper tone port as combiner:
With this configuration, the two-tone signal is available at test port 1.
The intermodulation quantities can be measured at the DUT input or
at the DUT output.
If the R&S
B213, 4-port instruments only), the source signals of port 1 and port 3
can be combined internally:
The combined signal is output to port 1.
Remote command:
Receiver Inputs ← Combiner Configuration
Defines the receiver signal paths for the lower- and upper-tone ports..
Make sure to select the correct configuration, according to your cabling!
Meas softtool