Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
To establish a sufficient set of Through connections, you can select an arbitrary test
port as the "center" and measure all Through connections to this test port ("star-sha-
ped calibration"). You can also connect all ports in increasing order, e.g. 1→2, 2→3,
3→4 ...
[For the mathematically inclined: the graph constructed from the calibration ports as
nodes and the measured Throughs as edges must be connected.]
Compared to the full number of n(n-1)/2 Through connections, the time and effort is
significantly reduced, in particular if n is large.
The "Reduced Through" logic is implemented for all full n-port calibration types.
During manual calibration, you can apply the calibration when a sufficient set of
Through connections have been measured. However, you can measure additional
Through connections to improve the accuracy.
a minimum number of port assignments. However, for each port assignment all
possible through connections are measured by default. If you want to apply the
"Reduced Through" logic also for each port assignment, you can activate it in the
system configuration.
Complementary isolation measurement
For each port pair in a manual transmission normalization or TOSM calibration, the
Through measurement can be complemented by an isolation measurement. This mea-
surement accounts for possible crosstalk between the related test ports (e.g. on a test
If isolation is measured, the corrected transmission coefficient of the DUT is calculated
(Transmission coefficient DUT – Isolation) / (Transmission coefficient Through – Isola-