3 Specifications
G5 Series AC Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications, Linear Motor Type
3-1 Ser
o Drive Sp
3-1-9 C
ontrol Output Deta
This output is turned OFF when the drive detects an error.
This output is OFF when the power supply is turned ON, but turns ON when the drive's initial
processing has been completed.
The functions that are allocated by default are given in brackets.
Refer to the description in Output Signals in
on page 7-2 for the allocations.
Servo Ready Completed Output (READY)
This output signal indicates the Drive is ready to be energized.
It turns ON when no error is detected after the main circuit power supply turns ON.
With the default settings, the output is allocated to pins 25 and 26.
Brake Interlock Output (BKIR)
The Brake Interlock Output outputs the external brake timing signal according to the settings of
the Brake Timing When Stopped (3437 hex), the Brake Timing During Operation (3438 hex), and
the Brake Threshold Speed During Operation (3439 hex).
With the default settings, the output is allocated to pins 1 and 2.
Positioning Completion Output (INP1, INP2)
INP1 turns ON when the position error is equal to or less than Position window (6067 hex).
INP2 will turn 3 ON when the position error is equal to or less than Positioning Completion Range
2 (3442 hex).
This output turns ON based on the Positioning Completion Condition Selection (3434 hex).
The output is always OFF except in the Position Control Mode.
With the default settings, the output is not allocated.
Motor Speed Detection Output (TGON)
This output turns OFF when the motor speed exceeds the value set by the Speed for Motor Detec-
tion (3436 hex).
The output is effective both in positive and negative directions regardless the actual movement
direction of the motor.
The detection contains a hysteresis of 10 mm/s.
The output is always OFF except in the Speed Control Mode and the Force Control Mode.
With the default settings, the output is not allocated.
Error Output (/ALM)
Pin 3:
Error Output (/ALM)
Pin 4:
Error Output Common (ALMCOM)
General-purpose Outputs (OUTM1 and OUTM2)
Pin 1:
General-purpose Output 1 (OUTM1)
[Brake Interlock Output (BKIR)]
Pin 2:
General-purpose Output 1 Common (OUTM1COM)
Pin 25:
General-purpose Output 2 (OUTM2)
[Servo Ready Output (READY)]
Pin 26:
General-purpose Output 2 Common (OUTM2COM)