1 Features and System Configuration
G5 Series AC Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications, Linear Motor Type
1-1 Outlin
t is EtherC
The damping control function suppresses vibration of low-rigidity mechanisms or devices whose tips
tend to vibrate.
Two damping filters are provided to enable switching the damping frequency automatically according to
the operation direction and also via an external signal. In addition, the settings can be made easily by
setting the damping frequency and filter values. You are assured of stable operation even if the set
values are inappropriate.
EtherCAT is an open high-speed industrial network system that conforms to Ethernet (IEEE 802.3).
Each node achieves a short cycle time by transmitting Ethernet frames at high speed. A mechanism
that allows sharing clock information enables high-precision synchronization control with low
communications jitter.
is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
G5 Series AC Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications, Linear Motor Type use the object
dictionary for CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) as a base for communications.
An object is a special data structure inside a device that consists of data, parameters, and methods.
An object dictionary is a data structure that describes the data type objects, communications objects,
and application objects.
All objects are assigned four-digit hexadecimal numbers in the areas shown in the following table.
G5-series Servo Drive parameters (Pn
) are allocated to objects 3000 to 3999 hex. Indexes 3
correspond to G5-series Servo Drive parameters Pn
. For example, object 3504 hex is the same as
parameter Pn504.
uses decimal numbers but object 3
hex is a hexadecimal number.
For details on servo parameters, refer to
Section 9 Servo Parameter Objects
Suppressing Vibration of Low-rigidity Mechanisms during
What is EtherCAT?
Object Dictionary
0000 to 0FFF hex
Data Type Area
Definitions of data types.
1000 to 1FFF hex
CoE Communications Area
Definitions of variables that can be used by all servers for
designated communications.
2000 to 2FFF hex
Manufacturer Specific Area 1
Variables with common definitions for all OMRON
3000 to 5FFF hex
Manufacturer Specific Area 2
Variables with common definitions for all G5-series Servo
Drives (servo parameters).
6000 to 9FFF hex
Device Profile Area
Variables defined in the Servo Drive's CiA402 drive profile.
A000 to FFFF hex
Reserved Area
Area reserved for future use.