Error Code List Chapter4. Cash & Check In Module
© 2014
Nautilus Hyosung Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Problem Description
[Initialize]Batch moving stage up
1. Check whether the reject batch return
stage up detection (RJS06) sensor is
normally running.
2. Check whether the multiple return
clamp motor (RJM01) is running.
[Initialize]Batch moving stage
sensor fault.
1. Check whether the reject batch return
stage down detection (RJS07) sensor is
normally running.
2. Check whether the multiple return
clamp motor (RJM01) is running.
[Initialize]The media at the reject
part is not moved to the Bundle
output check sensor (RJS09)
within a specified time.
1. Reject Door(9) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the Reject.
3. If no alien material exists, check
whether the Reject part sensors (RJS01,
RJS02, RJS03, RJS04, RJS05, RJS08,
RJS09) and the sensor (RJS10)
detecting the media residual at the reject
output are polluted.
[Initialize]After moving the media
at the Reject part to the Bundle,
the media remains at the Reject
1. Reject Door(9) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the Reject.
3. If no alien material exists, check
whether the Reject part sensors (RJS01,
RJS02, RJS03, RJS04, RJS05, RJS08,
RJS09) and the sensor (RJS10)
detecting the media residual at the reject
output are polluted.
[Initialize] Before moving the
media at the Reject to the Bundle,
the billpress of the Bundle part is
not moved to the Reject position.
1. Check the inside of the Bundle(1).
2. Remove the alien materials of the
3. If no alien material exists in the
1. Check and remove the alien
materials in the Bundle Bill Press part
(BDS15, BDS16) sensors.
4. If no alien material exists, check
whether the sensor is polluted
[Initialize]When media are piled at
the Reject part, jam occurs at the
Reject output check sensor
1. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the Reject output check sensor
2. If no alien material exists, check
whether the sensor is polluted
[Initialize]Abnormal media have
sequentially entered to the Reject
1. Reject Door(9) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the Reject.
3. If no alien material exists, check
whether the Reject output check sensor
(RJS08) is polluted.
[Initialize]When media abnormally
access and are piled at the Reject
part, the residual media exist at
the Reject part (RJS10 Dark).
1. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the Reject output media residual
sensor (RJS10).
2. If no alien material exists, check
whether the sensor is polluted