User Guide for FibeAir® IP-20 All-Outdoor Products, CeraOS 10.5
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Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
If the IP protocol selected in
platform management ip set ip-address-family
IPv4, enter the following command:
root> platform configuration channel server set ip-
address <server-ipv4> directory <directory> filename <filename>
username <username> password <password>
If the IP protocol selected in
platform management ip set ip-address-family
IPv6, enter the following command:
root> platform configuration channel server-ipv6 set ip-
address <server-ipv6> directory <directory> filename <filename>
username <username> password <password>
To set the file transfer protocol you want to use (FTP or SFTP), enter the following
root>platform configuration channel set protocol <ftp|sftp>
To display the FTP channel parameters for importing and exporting configuration
files, enter one of the following commands in root view:
root> platform configuration channel server show
root> platform configuration channel server-ipv6 show
Table 103: Configuration Management CLI Parameters
Input Type
Permitted Values
Dotted decimal
Any valid IPv4
The IPv4 address of the PC or
laptop you are using as the FTP
Eight groups of four
hexadecimal digits
separated by colons.
Any valid IPv6
The IPv6 address of the PC or
laptop you are using as the FTP
Text String.
The location of the file you are
downloading or uploading. If the
location is the root shared folder,
it should be left empty. If the
location is a sub-folder under the
root shared folder, specify the
folder name. If the shared folder is
"C:\", this parameter can be left
empty or populated with "//".
Text String.
The name of the file you are
importing, or the name you want
to give the file you are exporting.
: You must add the suffix .zip
to the file name. Otherwise, the
file import may fail. You can
export the file using any name,
then add the suffix .zip manually.
Text String.
The user name you configured in
the FTP server.