User Guide for FibeAir® IP-20 All-Outdoor Products, CeraOS 10.5
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Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
Input Type
MIMO group admin status
Indicates whether the MIMO group is enabled or
MIMO state
Indicates whether MIMO is enabled or disabled.
MIMO advanced state
A detailed description of the MIMO state.
Indicates the role of the unit in the MIMO configuration
(Master or Slave).
MIMO 1st carrier MMI
MIMO Mate Interference for the first group member.
MMI represents the difference between the RSL1 and
the RSL2 of the remote Master and Slave transmitters
with the same polarization. The nominal range is 0. The
range should be from -3 dB to +3 dB.
MMI is not relevant for 1+0 Space Diversity.
MIMO 2nd carrier MMI
MMI for the second group member.
MIMO 1st carrier XPI
Cross Polarization Interference for the first group
member. This is only relevant in 4x4 MIMO
configurations, where each unit operates in dual
polarization (XPIC) mode. The XPI value should be at
least 25 dB. For further information, refer to
MIMO 2nd carrier XPI
XPI for the second group member.
Deleting a 4x4 MIMO Group (CLI)
To delete a 4x4 MIMO Group:
1 Enter the following command to go into group view:
root> amcc group group_id <1-4> group_type mimo_4x4
In group view, enter the following commands to remove the unit’s two
carriers from the group:
mimo-4X4-group[x]> amcc detach slot 2 port 1
mimo-4X4-group[x]> amcc detach slot 2 port 2
3 In group view, enter the following command to disable the group:
mimo-4X4-group[x]> set admin disable
4 In root view, enter the following command to delete the group:
root> amcc delete group group_id <1-4> group_type mimo_4x4
Deleting a 2x2 MIMO or Space Diversity Group (CLI)
You can delete a 2x2 MIMO or Space Diversity Group.
To delete a 2x2 MIMO or Space Diversity Group:
1 Before deleting a MIMO or Space Diversity group, you must first disable the
group using the following command in root view: