User Guide for FibeAir® IP-20 All-Outdoor Products, CeraOS 10.5
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Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
To disable Multi-Carrier ABC Minimum Bandwidth Override, enter the following
command in root view:
root> platform if-manager set group-type abc group-number <1-4>
minimum-bw-admin disable
To set the Multi-Carrier ABC Minimum Bandwidth Override threshold (in Mbps),
enter the following command in root view:
root> platform if-manager set group-type abc group-number <1-4>
minimum-bw-threshold <0-20000>
The threshold can be between 0
20000 Mbps, with a resolution of 1 Mbps.
The following commands enable Multi-Carrier ABC Minimum Bandwidth Override
threshold for Multi-Carrier ABC group 1, and set a threshold of 12000 Mbps.
root> platform if-manager set group-type abc group-number 1
minimum-bw-admin enable
root> platform if-manager set group-type abc group-number 1
minimum-bw-threshold 12000
To view the status and the threshold use the following command:
root> platform if-manager show interfaces
Removing Members from a Multi-Carrier ABC Group (CLI)
To remove members from a Multi-Carrier ABC group:
1 To remove an individual radio interface from the Multi-Carrier ABC group, go
to Multi-Carrier ABC group view and enter the following command:
multi-carrier-abc group-id[1]> detach-member channel-id
Deleting a Multi-Carrier ABC Group (CLI)
To delete a Multi-Carrier ABC group:
1 Remove the members from the group. See
Removing Members from a Multi-
2 Delete the group by entering the following command in root view:
root> multi-carrier-abc delete group group_id 1