MPC5602P Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism ........................464
Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism .........................465
to SCK delay (t
) ..................................................................................467
) ..................................................................................467
Peripheral Chip Select strobe enable (CS5_x) ...............................................468
Classic SPI transfer format (CPHA = 0) ........................................................470
Classic SPI transfer format (CPHA = 1) ........................................................471
Modified SPI transfer format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 0) ..................................472
Modified SPI transfer format (MTFE = 1, CPHA = 1) ..................................473
Clock polarity switching between DSPI transfers .........................................475
End of queue interrupt request (EOQF) .........................................................478
Transmit FIFO fill interrupt or DMA request (TFFF) ...................................478
Transfer complete interrupt request (TCF) ....................................................478
Transmit FIFO underflow interrupt request (TFUF) .....................................479
Receive FIFO drain interrupt or DMA request (RFDF) ................................479
Receive FIFO overflow interrupt request (RFOF) .........................................479
FIFO overrun request (TFUF) or (RFOF) ......................................................479
MPC5602P DSPI compatibility with QSPI of the MPC500 MCUs ............................482
Address calculation for first-in entry and last-in entry in TX FIFO ..............484
Address calculation for first-in entry and last-in entry in RX FIFO ..............484