Chapter 27 Functional Safety
MPC5602P Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
Restrict write accesses for the module under protection to supervisor mode only
Lock registers for first 6 KB of memory-mapped address space
Address mirror automatically sets corresponding lock bit
Once configured lock bits can be protected from changes
Modes of operation
The register protection module is operable when the module under protection is operable.
External signal description
There are no external signals.
Memory map and registers description
This section provides a detailed description of the memory map of a module using the Register protection.
The original 16 KB module memory space is divided into five areas as shown in
Figure 27-2. Register protection memory diagram
Area 1 is 6 KB and holds the normal functional module registers and is transparent for all read/write
Area 2, 2 KB starting at address 0x1800, is reserved.
module register space
Base + 0x0000
6 KB
2 KB Reserved
mirror module register space
6 KB
1.5 KB Lock Bits
with user defined
Base + 0x1800
Base + 0x2000
Base + 0x3800
soft locking function
512 Bytes Configuration
Base + 0x3E00
Base + 0x3FFF
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5