Trouble Shooting Guide for V100 Positioner
1) 1.V100 not responding to input signal
a) The tubing to the actuator may be
i) Plant Air Supply should be ported to
the Sport on the side of the
positioner. Supply must be
greater than 30 PSI.
ii) The pneumatic control signal
(3 to 15 psi) should be ported to
the Ip port on the side of the
If the positioner is a V100E, using
an I/P on the positioner, the Ip
port should be plugged tightly!! Double check once plug is in place to make sure
there is no air leakage from Ip plug.
iii) The driving port of this positioner is the C+ port. In other words, on an
increasing control signal the supply is directed through the positioner to the
C+ port. This is very important – not only for single acting
or spring assist valve packages, but also to insure proper
air to open (or close) operation (rotation).
b) I/P wiring
i) Make sure the unit is properly wired.
(1) The positive terminal (+) MUST have a positive
voltage to it.
(2) The negative terminal (-) MUST have a negative voltage to it.
c) I/P operation
i) If the I/P has been in use the potential for contaminated air
supply exist – check the I/P by either of the following steps.
(1) Install a gauge on the I/P gauge port (1/8 inch NPT) to make
sure that the I/P is generating a 3 to 15 psi pneumatic output in correlation to
the 4 to 20 mA input signal.
(2) Using an ohm meter check to make sure that there is resistance still in the
loop. A good unit will put out 240
or more.