Chapter 1 Introduction
MPC5602P Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
— 1 sample and hold unit
— Conversion time, including sampling time, less than 1 µs (at full precision)
— Typical sampling time is 150 ns minimum (at full precision)
— TUE < 1.5 LSB
— Single-ended input signal up to 3.3 V/5.0 V
— 3.3 V/5.0 V input reference voltage
— ADC and its reference can be supplied with a voltage independent from V
— ADC supply can be equal or higher than V
— ADC supply and ADC reference are not independent from each other (both internally bonded
to same pad)
— Sample times of 2 (default), 8, 64 or 128 ADC clock cycles
Digital part:
16 input channels
4 analog watchdogs comparing ADC results against predefined levels (low, high, range) before
results are stored in the appropriate ADC result location
2 modes of operation: Motor Control mode or Regular mode
Regular mode features
— Register based interface with the CPU: control register, status register and 1 result register per
— ADC state machine managing 3 request flows: regular command, hardware injected command
and software injected command
— Selectable priority between software and hardware injected commands
— DMA compatible interface
CTU-controlled mode features
— Triggered mode only
— 4 independent result queues (1×16 entries, 2×8 entries, 1×4 entries)
— Result alignment circuitry (left justified and right justified)
— 32-bit read mode allows to have channel ID on one of the 16-bit part
— DMA compatible interfaces
Cross triggering unit (CTU)
The cross triggering unit allows automatic generation of ADC conversion requests on user selected
conditions without CPU load during the PWM period and with minimized CPU load for dynamic
It implements the following features:
Double buffered trigger generation unit with up to 8 independent triggers generated from external