E N T 3 0 0 1
Model Name:
E N T 3 0 0 1
Model Name:
Trouble with Media Feed
When No Error is Displayed on the Printer's Liquid Crystal Display
• The media comes off when it is initial-
ized or during printing
• The media is skewed or meanders
when it is initialized or during printing
• The media becomes wrinkled when it
is initialized or during printing
• The media jams when it is initialized
or during printing
• The media tears when it is initialized
or during printing
• The absolute dimensions of printing media change with changes of temperature and humidity. Therefore, if media such as tracing papers
and high grade papers that are easily affected by environmental changes are left mounted for long periods of time, they may tend to wrin-
kle and warp, causing jams.
If the printer is not going to be used for a long period, raise the hold lever and remove the media.
If the tension is high, re-mount the roll media and try again.
Check that the usage environment is within the range shown in the Operation Manual.
It is recommended that media be mounted just before it is to be printed.
• In view of expansion and contraction caused by the environment when thin media is being used, the environment should be checked.
If the usage environment is outside the range shown in the Operation Manual, try again when the environment has been brought within
the recommended range.
• Are the suction fans working normally during initialization?
If the suction fans are not turning normally, there may be a fault in the main printer unit.
• How are you explaining what is meant by skew and meander?
Check this condition in detail during the primary consultation.
Explain that skew up to the figures shown below is within the acceptable limit.
Also, have the repeatability checked and explain that poor repeatability is probably caused by badly loaded media.
Items to be Confirmed
When No Error is Displayed on the Printer's Liquid Crystal Display
Trouble with Media Feed
Cut sheet
Roll media
Within 1.5 mm
Within 2.5 mm
However, it should be explained that in the case of roll media, if the pressure is left down for a long period with the media loaded, or in an
environment with sudden changes of temperature and humidity, the whole roll may not necessarily feed properly.
• In a case where the symptoms are not reproduced (no problem up to the fifth sheet then frequent skewing after reloading, etc.) the
method of loading the media may be at fault and this should be checked with the Operating Manual.
Check “Loading the media” under “Installation procedures” in the Operation Manual.
If the above procedures do not improve the symptoms, the main unit has probably developed a fault for some reason.
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