C O N 4 0 3 0
Model Name:
C O N 4 0 3 0
Model Name:
How to use Primary Consultation (ENT)
How to use Primary Consultation (ENT)
When a user has reported a fault, first select the applicable details from the trouble-shooting lists (TRB) and then check the conditions in detail by asking questions in
accordance with the primary consultation (ENT) shown below.
• Ask the questions in order, beginning with 1-1, and move to the next question if there is nothing abnormal. If an abnormality is revealed, carry out the task indicated by
the arrow [
• If all questions produce nothing abnormal, then jump to the specified matrix map (MAP).
E N T 2 0 0 0
Model Name:
E N T 2 0 0 0
Model Name:
Trouble with Initialization
When No Error is Displayed on the Printer's Liquid Crystal Display
• No power
• Faulty liquid crystal display (no dis-
play/unstable display)
• Has the power plug come away from the outlet?
Plug the cord all the way into the socket.
• Has the cord come away from the printer inlet?
Plug the cord all the way into the printer socket and try again.
• Is power available at the power outlet?
Check the power supply.
• Is the AC power supply securely earthed? (grounding)
Make sure it is connected to a 100 V or 200 V ground and confirm by testing the display again.
• With the cord inserted into the power outlet, is the prescribed voltage available at the end of the cord?
Switch off the printer, leave it for ten minutes then try switching on again.
• The overcurrent detector circuit in the printer's power supply may have tripped.
Leave it for 10 minutes then try switching on again.
• Are there any large power-consuming peripheral devices, such as a copier, on the same outlet?
Take power from a separate power source.
• Is there any equipment near the printer that is producing strong noise?
Separate the power supplies of nearby equipment and try increasing their distance from the printer.
• Is the power cable broken?
It's no good connecting a broken cable. Replace the power cable.
• Is the LCD unit damaged?
It needs to be repaired by the Serviceman.
Please request repair.
If the above procedures do not improve the symptoms, the main unit has probably developed a fault for
some reason.
Go to MAP2000
Items to be Confirmed
When No Error is Displayed on the Printer's Liquid Crystal Display
Trouble with Initialization
Whether an error message is displayed
Fault details
Questioning sequence
If all questions
produce no
jump to the
specified matric
map (MAP)
Major classification of fault details
Page specified by
list (TRB)
Page specified by
list (TRB)