Rail Height Jig Assembly
Y Rail Height Reference
Base Assembly
R E P 1 6 1 0
Model Name:
R E P 1 6 1 0
Model Name:
How to Measure the Y Rail Fitting Precision
How to Measure the Y Rail Fitting Precision
Replacement and Adjustment Procedure
1. How to use the
special jig
The Y Rail fitting precision affects picture quality and rec-
tangular accuracy. If, for any reason, you think the preci-
sion has altered or the frame and XY rails have been
removed and readjustment is necessary, special jigs are
available for taking measurements. If the Y Rail height has
changed, this will affect picture quality precision and cap-
ping precision. If the amount of change is minimal, it can
be recovered by picture quality adjustment and zone delay
compensation but if it exceeds a certain amount (maximum
value - minimum value
0. *), it will be beyond the range
of control by zone delay.
If Y Rail parallelism (L2) has altered, this will affect rectan-
gular precision, XF sensor and cutter head distance, cap-
ping precision, etc.
Y Rail height measurement can be measured with the cov-
ers fitted but the jig must be fitted in a place where there is
no pressure unit. Fit the Jig Assembly to the Y Rail and
read the measurements with slight pressure. For Y Rail
parallel precision, the position of the Frame and Y Rail is
controlled by the gauge jig. The gauge jig is used with the
Steel Belt, Y Pulley Box and Y Return Pulley removed.
1. Set up by pressing the Rail Height Jig Assembly (JD-30395) into the
Y Rail Height Reference Base Assembly (JD-30432) and set the dial
gauge to “0”.
2. Mount the rail height gauge over the rib and adjust the platen up and
down until the dial gauge reads 2.6 to 2.7 mm (Refer to REP1520).
2.6 to 2.7 is the absolute height dimension L1
Continued on next page