C O N 1 0 0 0
Model Name:
C O N 1 0 0 0
Model Name:
This equipment is Class 1 communications equipment (communications equipment
to be used in commercial and industrial areas) and conforms to Voluntary
Communications Control Institute (VCCI) standards for data processing and other
equipment for the prevention of radio wave interference in commercial and industrial
Therefore, if it is used in or near a residential area, it may cause interference with
radio and television reception.
It should be used correctly in accordance with the operation manual.
Concerning interference with reception
Since this product emits weak radio waves, if it is not installed and used correctly
and is thought to be causing interference with radio and television reception, this
may be prevented by trying a combination of the following measures:
• Try changing the orientation of the receiving antenna and feeder.
• Try changing the orientation of this product.
• Change the distance between the receiver and this product.
• Try using different power supply systems for the receiver and this product.
Trademarks included in this manual
• MUTOH, RJ-4100, MH-GL, MH-GL/2, MH-RTL, ESC/P2 are trademarks or trade
names of Mutoh Industries Ltd.
• HP, HP-GL, HP-GL/2, HP-RTL, HP759X, HP758X, C2848 are trademarks or
trade names of the Hewlett Packard Company.
• EPSON ESC/P is a trademark or trade name of the Seiko-Epson Company.
• Centronics and Bitronics are trademarks or trade names of the Centronics Data
Computer Company.
• Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, MS-DOS are
trademarks or trade names of the Microsoft Corporation
• Other names of products and companies are the trademarks or trade names of
each relevant company.
This manual contains basic technical details necessary for marketplace servicing to
maintain product quality and performance of RJ-4100 printer.
RJ-4100 printer is equipped with a self-diagnostic program that will be of service for
adjusting and checking whenever a fault is detected or during maintenance.
This manual contains all the basic items but actual maintenance work should be
undertaken only after a thorough understanding of the functions, operations and
movements has been gained from the operation manual and by other means.
Please note that there may be occasions where the name of a part used in the
explanation in this manual differs from the name of that same part that is used in the
operation manual or in the parts list.
Published by Mutoh Industries Ltd., 1-3 Ikejiri 3-chome, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Copyright May 1999, Mutoh Industries Ltd. All rights reserved.
• The details of this product and the contents of this manual are
protected by copyright held by this Company and, except for
legitimate use by individuals, unauthorized copying, reproduction
or distribution in whole or part is forbidden.
• Details contained in this manual may be subject to future alteration
without notice.
• Details contained in this manual are believed to be correct but
please contact this Company or a dealer if an error is suspected
or a point is not clear.
• In no event will this Company be responsible for the consequences
of using this product or this manual.