B A C 2 0 3 0
Model Name:
B A C 2 0 3 0
Model Name:
How to Check Media Skew
How to Check Media Skew
This procedure will feed a specific amount of paper (a single pass band feed) and the sen-
sors will read the position of the edge of the media before and after feeding and check for
any discrepancy. If no media is loaded when this item is selected, you will be asked to load
the media. After media initialization, when the amount of media feed is entered, the edge
sensors will detect the left and right edges of the media and media feed will begin. After
feeding the specified amount, the edge sensors will again detect the left and right edges of
the media and any difference from the readings before media was fed will be checked and
displayed. A media recognition error before and after feeding, or detection by the rear sensor
of no paper during feeding, will cause a media error to be displayed and this procedure may
be terminated by pressing any key. To terminate the procedure when processing is not in
progress, press [Back] on the panel or [ESC] on the terminal.
Set Paper
If no media is loaded
After media has been loaded
Paper Initial
After media initialization has been completed
Chk Paper Mov
1.0 m
Paper Edge Detect
Paper Feed
Media feed ends normally
Paper Edge Detect
Media edge detection ends normally
0.100 mm
+0.100 mm
+ for cap side, - for opposite side
Non-origin side
Capping position side
Setting can be specified in units of
0.1 m using the VALUE + and - keys
AJST: Chk Paper Mov
Standard values
Cut sheet
1.5 mm or less
7 m
Roll Media
2.5 mm or less
50 m
10 mm or less
Press [ENTER] to move to “Adjustment: Rank Input” or [Back] to move to
“AJST: ChkPaperMov”. Other panel keys are ignored during processing.
The first time this adjustment is made, the reference position for media skew will be deter-
mined by detecting the right edge (origin side). If the adjustment is made with a bad media
loading position, that position will become the reference position and “Media skew error” will
occur frequently.
Make sure media is properly loaded.