5-70 Image Optimization
Image rotation
Rotate <M>, <PW>, <C> to perform axial rotation or rotate <4D> knob to adjust the nearest VOI
section (cut plane) position.
For details, refer to descriptions in Static 3D.
Image zooming
Same as Static 3D image zooming.
Hide/show reference image
The system displays 3 standard sectional images (A plane, B plane, C plane) on the left side
indicating the position of the slice lines; tap
to hide the 3 reference images, and then slices
are displayed on the whole image area.
Quick switch to single display
Select a certain slice, double click <Set> to see the slice full screen, and double click <Set> again to
return to the original display format.
Reset Ori.
Tap [Reset Ori.] to reset the orientation and zoom status of the image.
Comment & Body Mark
Operations are the same as those in the other modes.
Measurement can be done on any slice when it is in the single format display.
5.11.12 SCV
is SCV (Slice Contrast View) +CMPR (Curved MPR).
SCV imaging can reduce speckle noise and improve contrast resolution as well as enhance signal-noise ratio,
which helps in discovering diffuse pathology in organs.