6-6 Display & Cine Review
The window with the highlighted “M” mark is the current activated window.
You can select the image to be reviewed at synchronous time when the multi-frame image is
reviewed.Rotate the knob under [Mode SyncPlay] on the touch screen to display: synchronously,
6. Save the image if it is necessary.
7. Click [Return] on the screen or press <Freeze> to exit image compare.
Frame Compare
Freeze the image in B/C mode, click [Frame Compare] in “Cine” page on the touch screen to enter
frame comparison mode.
Review the images of different image windows (cine replaying can’t be performed for single-frame
image file), press <Update> or <Dual> to switch the active image window.
3. Save the image if it is necessary.
Measurements, adding comments and body marks are allowed.
4. Click [Frame Compare] again to return to image frozen status; press <Freeze> to enter real-time
Tips: cine compare can only be performed for B/C mode image only. The image on dual/quad window
cannot be compared.
Cine Saving
Live Capture
Live capture refers to saving the images or cines in image scanning status; after the storage, the system
continues image scanning.
Live capture can be divided into 2 kinds: retrospective and prospective.
Retrospective saving is to save the specified images before the current moment; to save the
images stored in the cine memory to the system hard disk.
Prospective saving is to save the specified images later than the current moment; to save the
images to both the cine memory and the system hard disk.
The live capture time can be set. For details, please refer to preset chapter.
In imaging mode, tap [Pro Capture] / [Retro Capture] on the touch screen or press the
defined key for “Save Cine (Prospective)/(Retrospective)” on the control panel.
Press the save key again or <Freeze> to stop saving.
When a saving is completed, a thumbnail is showed in the Thumbnail area.
Frozen image storage
In frozen mode, tap [Pro Capture] / [Retro Capture] ont the touch screen or press the user-defined key
(The key has already been assigned the function as “Save Clip retrospective or prospective”).
After the cine is successfully saved, there is a thumbnail displayed on the screen.
The live capture time can be set. For details, please refer to preset chapter.
Setting Cine Length
Live capture:
Retrospective Cine Length