5-72 Image Optimization
Trace Options
1. Tap [Line] on the touch screen.
2. Rotate the trackball to place the cursor and press right <Set> key to fix the starting point, rotate the
trackball to extend the line and press right <Set> key again to finish drawing; or you can press left
<Set> key to reset starting point.
Rotate the knob under [Line Extension] on the touch screen to adjust the line length.
3. After line is finished, press left <Set> key to change line position.
Tap [Reset Curve] to cancel current drawing. Press <set> key to display
“Cancel” status on the track ball
region, move the track ball to cancel the line.
1. Tap [Trace] on the touch screen.
2. Rotate the trackball to place the cursor and press right <Set> key to fix the starting point, move the
cursor along the target to trace the outline, and press right <Set> again to finish tracing. During
tracing, press left <Set> to cancel a series of tracing, or you can roll the trackball backwards to
delete latest tracing.
3. After tracing, press left <Set> key to change tracing outline position.
Tap [Reset Curve] to cancel current drawing. Press <set> key to display
“Cancel” status on the track ball
region, move the track ball to cancel the trace.
1. Tap [Spline] on the touch screen.
2. Rotate the trackball to place the cursor and press right <Set> key to fix the starting point, move the
cursor along the area of interest and press right <Set> to anchor several reference points; or press
left <Set> to cancel a series of lines.
3. Press <Set> twice to set the end point of the spline.
4. After tracing, press left <Set> key to change tracing outline position.
Tap [Reset Curve] to cancel current spline. Press <set> key to display
“Cancel” status on the track ball
region, move the track ball to cancel the spline.
Other Operations
Single image zoom
Toggle <3D> to view single SCV image.
Zoom in
Same as these in 3D/4D mode.
Rotate <M>, <PW>, <C> to perform X/Y/Z rotation or rotate <4D> knob to adjust the nearest VOI section
(cut plane) position.
Comment and Body Mark
Same as these in other modes.
Section image (MPR)/CMPR measurement.
2D related measurement can be performed on MPR/CMPR. For details, please refer to [Advanced