5-64 Image Optimization
Function: to set the distance the probe covered from one end to the other end
during the linear sweep.
Range: 10~200 mm, in increments of 10mm.
Function: to set the motion angle the probe covered during a fan sweep.
Range: 10~80°, in increments of 2°.
The smart 3D acquisition preparation is same with these in Static 3D and 4D. Smart 3D Image Acquisition
In Smart 3D mode, you need to set the scan method in addition to the other items in Static 3D mode. The
other parameters are the same as those for Static 3D.
Capture images using Linear scan or Rocked scan.
Linear scanning
Move the probe across the surface. See the following figure.
Rocked scanning
Rotate the probe once from the left to the right side (or from the right to the left) to include the
entire desired region. See the figure. Smart 3D Image Viewing
In VR viewing, the system supports the following functions:
Render setting.
B-mode parameter adjustment.
Setting the display format.
Viewing MPR.
Image zooming.
Image editing.
VR parameter adjustment.
Scanning plane and probe movement
Move the probe across the body surface.
The arrow in the figure below indicates the movement of the probe (you can move the probe in the
opposite direction to the arrow.)