5-118 Image Optimization
Curve Display
Select [Parameter] on the soft menu, the system provides different curves of different segments for
Speed curve
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents velocity (cm/s).
Displacement curve
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents displacement (cm).
The X-axis represents time(s);
The Y-axis represents volume (ml).
Strain curve: Longitudinal, Transversal
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents strain deformation of the
tissue (%).
Strain-rate curve: Longitudinal, Transversal
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents strain by time (s
Area curve
The X-axis represents time(s);
The Y-axis represents area (cm
Strain curve: Radial, Circumferential
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents strain deformation of the
tissue (%).
Strain-rate curve: Radial, Circumferential
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents strain by time (s
Circumferential Rotation curve
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents rotation of the tissue
Circumferential Rotation Rate curve
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents rotation by time (Deg/s).
Torsion & Torsion Rate Curve
The system provides left ventricular torsion data based on short axis sections of PSAX AP and PSAX B.
Torsion is acquired by calculating difference of apex and base of the heart.
Torsion=PSAX AP Rot.-PSA XB Rot.
The X-axis represents time (s);
The Y-axis represents tortion by time (Deg/s).
5.16.6 Bulleye
After tracking, the system can display Bull’s Eye graph, so as to judge reverse movement or scope of
1. Tap
[Bull’s Eye] on the touch screen to turn on the function:
You can acquire:
Time to peak value and peak value of the 17 segments (similar to 16 segments);
Display measurement result EDV/ESV/EF/TPSD.
Rotate the knob under [Parameter] on the touch screen to see different parameter bull’s eye graph.