5-34 Image Optimization
The function is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review status.
Dynamic Range
The dynamic range conveys the information that being transformed from echo intensity
to gray scale.
Turn the knob under [Dynamic Range] on the touch screen or on the touchpad to
complete the adjustment.
The adjusting range is 24-72 in increments of 2dB.
Gray Map
With the contrast range, dynamic range, information displayed more, the noise increases
more as well.
This function is used to adjust the output audio in spectrum Doppler.
Toggle <Volume> knob on the control panel to adjust the volume.
Press <Volume> knob to turn on/off.
The adjusting range is 0-100%.
Gray Map
Utilizing the output audio helps to identify the feature and status of flow.
This function is used to adjust the scan angle in PW mode, so as to change the angle
between the transmitting beam and flow direction.
Toggle <Steer> to complete the adjustment.
Gray Map
Obtain more information with immobility of the probe.
Values of steer angles vary with the probe.
Only for linear probes.
Color M Mode (CM)
To know the cardiac motion state, CM is overlaid with flow and tissue movements based on M mode,
which is more sensitive to the instantaneous signal changes. Then, it shows the diagnosis information in
The Color M mode includes Color Flow M mode and Color Tissue M mode.
Linear probe does not support Color M mode.
Enter Color M Mode
Color Flow M mode
In B+M mode, press <C>.
In B + Color, press <M>.
Color Tissue M mode
Press <TDI> which can be defined (via [F10 Preset]
[Key Config]) on color flow M
mode, or tap [TDI] on the touch screen, and then press <M> or <Update>.