iWorks (Auto Workflow Protocol) B-1
Appendix B iWorks (Auto Workflow
The main objective of ultrasound workflow automation (iWorks) is to speed up exam times and reduce
the excessive number of user interface manual key strokes that can lead to repetitive strain injuries over
time. It automates a clinical workflow in common exam protocols in a logical “step by step” manner. It
also prevents missing important parts of examinations as well as decreasing exam times.
A Protocol Event contains series workflow events (annotation comments, body marks and
measurements) and image modal commands to assist the user in routine ultrasound examinations.
The system provides different protocol events based on the different application regions.
iWorks is an option.
Normal iWorks Basic Procedure
1. Enter the patient information.
2. Tap [iWorks] on the touch screen or press the user-defined key for iWorks to enter the protocol
selection screen, and touch the corresponding protocol button to enter the status.
3. After the system enters the iWorks screen, the available protocol is displayed on the right of the
screen. Perform the scanning and saving according to the screen prompt.
Perform measurements or add comments/body marks to the image according to the screen prompt.
4. After a view scanning is complete, press the user-defined save key (usually <Save1> or <Save2>)
to switch to the next view according to the screen prompt.
5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 to acquire all the necessary images.
If pathology is discovered, tap [Insert] to select a protocol outside of the normal routine to start
Tap [Repeat] to add a copy of the selected view to work on if necessary.
Tap [Next] or [Previous] to skip to a particular view you are interested in.
Tap [Replace] to delete images and operations for the selected view and restart operations on
that view.
Tap [Delete] to delete the currently activated view.
Tap [Suspend] to start a manual scan when an unusual or atypical workflow is required, and tap
[Resume iWorks] to restart the iWorks procedure.
6. After all views are finished, the system will prompt you to exit iWorks. Tap [Yes] to exit.
Screen Display
Screen Display
Normal iWorks protocol
For automated protocols of vascular, small parts, cardiac, abdomen and gynecology application regions,
the monitor displays the following screen: