Image Optimization 5-51
When [MPR] button is highlighted in green, adjust parameters of sectional image.
You can adjust:
Function: to set the threshold for 3D image rendering.3D image is rendered on the signal
above thresholds by eliminating noise via the Threshold parameter.Lower threshold can
eliminate lower range noises and echo, which will contribute to a clearer and smoother
Range: 0% to 100%.
Available only in Surface rendering mode.
Function: to adjust the transparency value for 3D image rendering. It implies the
transparency of the light. The higher the value is, the tougher the surface becomes.
Range: 0% to 100%.
The lower the number is, the more transparent the gray scale information will be.
Available only in Surface rendering mode.
Function: to set the smoothness of 3D image.
Range: 0 to 10.0 refers to no smooth effect; 1-10 provides 10 effects in incremental
Tip: insufficient smoothness can result in a fuzzy image; however, too much smoothness
will lead to image distortion.
Function: to set the brightness of image.
Range: 0%-100%, in increments of 2%.0% represents the minimum brightness, while
100% represents the maximum.
NOTE: the adjustment for 3D (VR) and MPR.
Function: set the contrast scale of the image (contrast).
As long as the contrast becomes larger, the bright spot and dark spot on the image
change as well.
Range: 0%-100%, in increments of 2%.
NOTE: the adjustment for 3D (VR) and MPR.
Function: enable/disable tint map. The color image change according the tint value.
Selection: OFF, 1-8.
Function: to rotate the 3D image quickly.
Range: 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°.
3D iClear
Function: Use the 3D self-adapation filter to strengthen the space continuity of the tissue
structure, and provice speckle suppression, and improve the image contrast effect, so as
to optimize the volume image data.
Selection: OFF, 1-7.
Select VR imgae. Adjust 3D iClear to optimize VR image.
Select MPR imgae. Adjust 3D iClear to optimize MPR image.
Optimize the signal of the face area to reduce the noise of the AF area and improve the
signal-noise ratio of the face area, make the face more fullness to easily obtain the
image of fetal face.
Range: 1-3.
VR Refine
Function: Optimize the signal-noise ratio and the contrast of VR image..
Selection: OFF, 1-7.