Rockwell Automation Publication 2198-UM002E-EN-P - February 2018
Configure and Start the Kinetix 5700 Drive System
Chapter 6
The fields to configure in the Module Definition dialog box are dependent on
your drive, Logix Designer version, and drive firmware revision. Use the
following table to navigate to the series of steps intended for your drive system.
Table 86 - How to Navigate Module Definition
Configure Module Definition for 2198-xxxx-ERS3 Drives
Under Module Definition click Change.
The Module Definition dialog box appears.
Depending on the Module Definition revision selection, alternate
product features and feedback types can be selected.
From the Connection pull-down menu, choose the Connection mode
for your motion application.
Table 87 - Module Connection Definitions
For Drive Cat. No.
Logix Designer
Drive Firmware
Go to:
31 or earlier
7 or earlier
Configure Module Definition for
2198-xxxx-ERS3 Drives
31 or later
9 or later
Configure Module Definition for
2198-xxxx-ERS4 Drives
When ‘Safety’ appears in the Connection mode, integrated safety is
If the STO bypass jumper wires were applied during machine
commissioning or maintenance, they must be removed before the
drive will operate in Integrated (Networked) safety mode.
Connection Mode
Safety Options
Motion and Safety
Integrated mode
Motion connections and integrated STO are managed by this controller.
Motion Only
• Hardwired STO mode
• Integrated mode if there is a
secondary safety controller
• Motion connections are managed by this controller.
• Hardwired STO is controlled by the hardwired safety inputs or Integrated is
managed by another controller that has a Safety-only connection to the drive.
Safety Only
Integrated mode
• Integrated STO is managed by this controller.
• Motion connections are managed by another controller that has a Motion-
only connection to the drive.