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User manual
Rev. 2.1 — 10 December 2015
790 of 1441
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 27: LPC43xx/LPC43Sxx USB API
ErrorCode_t(* USBD_CDC_INIT_PARAM::SetCtrlLineState)(USBD_HANDLE_T hCDC, uint16_t state)
Abstract control model(ACM) subclass specific SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE request
call-back function.
This function is provided by the application software. This function gets called when host
sends a SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE request. RS-232 signal used to tell the DCE device
the DTE device is now present
1. hCdc = Handle to CDC function driver.
2. state = The state value uses bitmap values defined the
USB CDC class specification
published by
The call back should returns ErrorCode_t type to indicate success or error condition.
Return values:
1. LPC_OK = On success.
2. ERR_USBD_UNHANDLED = Event is not handled hence pass the event to next in line.
3. ERR_USBD_xxx = For other error conditions.
ErrorCode_t(* USBD_CDC_INIT_PARAM::SendBreak)(USBD_HANDLE_T hCDC, uint16_t mstime)
Abstract control model(ACM) subclass specific SEND_BREAK request call-back function.
This function is provided by the application software. This function gets called when host
sends a SEND_BREAK request.
1. hCdc = Handle to CDC function driver.
2. mstime = Duration of Break signal in milliseconds. If mstime is FFFFh, then the
application should send break until another SendBreak request is received with the
wValue of 0000h.
The call back should returns ErrorCode_t type to indicate success or error condition.
Return values:
1. LPC_OK = On success.
2. ERR_USBD_UNHANDLED = Event is not handled hence pass the event to next in line.
3. ERR_USBD_xxx = For other error conditions.
Table 590. USBD_CDC_INIT_PARAM class structure