User Guide
Work in Design view without live data
If Live Data is disabled or if you’re temporarily disconnected from your application server, you can still work on your
dynamic pages in Design view. Dreamweaver uses placeholders to visually represent dynamic content on the page.
For example, the placeholder for dynamic text extracted from a database uses the syntax
, where
is the name of the recordset and
is the name of the column
you chose from the recordset.
Sometimes, the length of the placeholders for dynamic text distorts the page’s layout in Design view. You can solve
the problem by using empty curly braces as placeholders.
Select Edit > Preferences > Invisible Elements, or Dreamweaver > Preferences > Invisible Elements (Mac OS X).
In the Show Dynamic Text As pop-up menu, select {}, and click OK.
Using web services
About web services
Web services are an emerging technology that allow web pages to access distributed applications. By providing
functionality as a service that a web page connects to and uses as needed, web services give developers and service
providers greater flexibility in designing and deploying powerful, distributed applications. Web services can be
delivered and paid for as streams of services that allow ubiquitous access from any platform, regardless of operating
system or programming language. Examples of web services, and the information and functionality they provide,
include the following:
User authentication and authorization
Credit card validation
Financial markets services that return stock prices associated with specified ticker symbols
Purchasing services that allow users to order products online
Information services that provide news or other information types based on a selected interest, location, or other
personal information
Before you create a web page that uses a web service, you must be familiar with the underlying server technology of
your application and the programming constructs that the application requires.
The web page that connects to the web service is commonly known as a
, and the service itself is known as
. Dreamweaver lets you create pages and sites that are consumers of web services. Dreamweaver lets you
create web-service consumers that use ColdFusion, ASP.NET, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) document types, and
publish and deploy web services using ColdFusion. Specifically, Dreamweaver lets you perform the following web
service development tasks:
Select web services available on the Internet.
Generate a web service proxy that allows the web page to communicate with the web service publisher.
The proxy (also known as an abstraction class) contains the fields, methods, and properties of the web service, and
makes them available to the locally hosted page. When you generate a proxy for your page, Dreamweaver lets you
view them in the Components panel.
Drag methods and data types into the web page’s code.
September 4, 2007