SpeedUpMyPC quick start guide
Running SpeedUpMyPC for the first time
Have you purchased SpeedUpMyPC yet? If not, you can still run the program to identify system flaws that
are slowing down your PC. Once you purchase and register you will also be able to speed up your PC.
Purchasing SpeedUpMyPC
• To purchase SpeedUpMyPC, click on the
Register Now
button at the bottom left of the free scan version.
This will bring up a pop-up with a
Purchase online
button at the bottom right. Click on the Purchase
online button and a web browser window will appear.
• From the browser window, click on the
Purchase now
button to go to the purchase page where you can
add the product to the shopping cart. This will lead you to a page where you can enter your purchase
details and complete your transaction.
SpeedUpMyPC Quick Start Guide
SpeedUpMyPC combines a professional range of tools to boost your
computer’s performance. This guide will help you install the product and
speed up your computer.
Downloading and installing SpeedUpMyPC
It usually takes less than a minute to download and install SpeedUpMyPC.
• You can download SpeedUpMyPC through the following link:
• When the page has loaded, click on the
Download now
button. You will be given the option to save the
download file. Click
and, once the download finishes, locate the .exe file and double click on its icon
to start the installation wizard.
• Follow the Wizard to finalize the installation process.
Interface overview
Navigation panel:
click to navigate across
major interface categories.
Left-hand side menu:
a submenu contained
within the chosen interface category. Each
option links to a different screen.
Registration button:
click to register product
and unlock full functionality.