C28 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
SPRUHE8E – October 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
C28 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
4.2.1 Introduction
The GPIO multiplexing (MUX) registers are used to select the operation of shared pins. The pins are
named by their general purpose I/O name (i.e., GPIO0). These pins can be individually selected to
operate as digital I/O, referred to as GPIO, or connected to one of up to three peripheral I/O signals (via
the GPxMUXn registers). If selected for digital I/O mode, registers are provided to configure the pin
direction (via the GPxDIR registers). You can also qualify the input signals to remove unwanted noise (via
the GPxQSELn and GPxCTRL registers).
4.2.2 GPIO Module Overview
Up to three independent peripheral signals are multiplexed on a single GPIO-enabled pin in addition to
individual pin bit-I/O capability. There are six I/O ports:
Port A consists of GPIO0-GPIO31
Port B consists of GPIO32-GPIO63
Port C consists of GPIO64-GPIO95
Port D consists of GPIO96-GPIO127
Port E consists of GPIO128-GPIO135
PORT G consists of GPIO192 - GPIO199
Analog Port 1 consists of AI00-AI015
Analog Port 2 consists of AIO16-AIO31
shows the basic modes of operation for the GPIO module.