SPRUHE8E – October 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
M3 Controller Area Network (CAN)
23.1 Overview
This device uses the popular CAN IP known as D_CAN.
23.1.1 Features
The CAN module implements the following features:
CAN protocol version 2.0 part A, B
Bit rates up to 1 MBit/s
Multiple clock sources
32 message objects (mailboxes)
Individual identifier mask for each message object
Programmable FIFO mode for message objects
Programmable loop-back modes for self-test operation
Suspend mode for debug support
Software module reset
Automatic bus-on after bus-off state by a programmable 32-bit timer
Message-RAM parity-check mechanism
Two interrupt lines
Globsl power-down and wakeup support
23.1.2 Functional Description
The CAN module performs CAN protocol communication according to ISO 11898-1 (identical to Bosch
CAN protocol specification 2.0 A, B). The bit rate can be programmed to values up to 1 MBit/s. A CAN
transceiver chip is required for the connection to the physical layer (CAN bus).
For communication on a CAN network, individual message objects can be configured. The message
objects and identifier masks are stored in the Message RAM.
All functions concerning the handling of messages are implemented in the message handler. Those
functions are acceptance filtering, the transfer of messages between the CAN Core and the Message
RAM, and the handling of transmission requests.
The register set of the CAN can be accessed directly by the CPU via the module interface. These
registers are used to control/configure the CAN Core and the message handler, and to access the
message RAM.