Application Notes to Use Boot ROM
SPRUHE8E – October 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
ROM Code and Peripheral Booting
In the above Post-Build command, the "${BuildArtifactFileName}" is the project COFF file that the user is
currently building. This COFF file is given as input to the above scripts to generate a final plain binary
image that can be used (as shown in the following section), to send data to M-Boot ROM.
Using the LM FLASH Programmer to Transfer In Image to Concerto Devices from a PC
As explained earlier, M-Boot ROM Serial, EMAC and CAN boot modes are compatible to respective boot
modes in Stellaris devices.
The snapshots below show how the LM Flash programmer utility available on the web can be used to
send data to M-Boot ROM via UART0 and EMAC peripherals from a PC. In these snapshots, LM flash
programmer is running on the same host which is transferring data to the device. Note that on this device,
only bootloading of data to RAM is supported. Even though the LM flash programmer utility is used on
PC/HOST, data is only loaded to the master subsystem RAM(s).
1. Start LM flash programmer and select Manual configuration as shown below:
Figure 6-34. LM FLASH Programmer Configuration Screen
2. Select either UART or Ethernet interface as shown below, depending on which interface he is using to
boot load data.