If set, indicates that M-BootROM has started booting
If set, indicates that Control system is out of reset
If set, indicates that Analog system is out of reset
If set, indicates that Flash boot has started
If set, indicates that serial boot has started
If set, indicates that RAM boot has started
If set, indicates that EMAC boot has started
If set, indicates that CAN boot has started
If set, indicates that Parallel boot has started
If set, indicates that Application on M3 has started
If set, indicates that SSI0 Master boot has started
If set, indicates that I2C0 Master boot has started
31 30 29
27 26 25
24 23 22 21
19 18 17
If set, M-BootROM Encountered HWBIST reset
If set, M-BootROM detected an unsupported NVIC interrupt
If set, M-BootROM detected a HARD FAULT EXCFEPTION
If set, M-BootROM detected a VREGWARN NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a AERR NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a C28 NMIWDRST NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a C28x PIE ERR NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a EXT GPIO NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a C28 BIST ERR NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a M3 BIST ERR NMI
If set, M-BootROM detected a Missing clock NMI
15 14 13 12 11 10 9
M-Boot ROM Description
SPRUHE8E – October 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
ROM Code and Peripheral Booting
6.5.12 M-Boot ROM Boot Status in RAM for Applications
M-Boot ROM keeps a record of different events that can occur during boot ROM execution, for
applications to learn about the boot status. This is necessary because NMI and other exceptions are
enabled by default in the device and will be explained further in this document. M-Boot ROM makes an
effort to handle all the possible exceptions and continues to boot and start application properly. On start-
up, the application can look at this boot status and take necessary actions per application’s need and
ability to handle these events.
As explained earlier, M-Boot ROM logs the boot status at the first location in C2 RAM, which is
0x20004000. The diagrams below give details on what it means when each bit is set in location
0x20004000. All the bits that don’t have any status linked with them MUST be ignored.
Figure 6-4. M-Boot ROM Boot Status