• Support to cancel transfers via software error detection and error correction
• Error detection and error correction
In the discussion of this module, n is used to reference the channel number.
22.2 Modes of operation
The eDMA operates in the following modes:
Table 22-3. Modes of operation
In Normal mode, the eDMA transfers data between a source and a destination. The source and
destination can be a memory block or an I/O block capable of operation with the eDMA.
A service request initiates a transfer of a specific number of bytes (NBYTES) as specified in the
transfer control descriptor (TCD). The minor loop is the sequence of read-write operations that
transfers these NBYTES per service request. Each service request executes one iteration of the
major loop, which transfers NBYTES of data.
DMA operation is configurable in Debug mode via the control register:
• If CR[EDBG] is cleared, the DMA continues to operate.
• If CR[EDBG] is set, the eDMA stops transferring data. If Debug mode is entered while a
channel is active, the eDMA continues operation until the channel retires.
Before entering Wait mode, the DMA attempts to complete its current transfer. After the transfer
completes, the device enters Wait mode.
22.3 Memory map/register definition
The eDMA's programming model is partitioned into two regions:
• The first region defines a number of registers providing control functions
• The second region corresponds to the local transfer control descriptor (TCD)
22.3.1 TCD memory
Each channel requires a 32-byte transfer control descriptor for defining the desired data
movement operation. The channel descriptors are stored in the local memory in
sequential order: channel 0, channel 1, ... channel 15. Each TCDn definition is presented
as 11 registers of 16 or 32 bits.
Chapter 22 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA)
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.