28.1.2 Features
The FMC's features include:
• Interface between the device and the flash memory:
• 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit read operations to program flash memory.
• For bank 0 and bank 1: Read accesses to consecutive 32-bit spaces in memory
return the second read data with no wait states. The memory returns 64 bits via
the 32-bit bus access.
• Crossbar master access protection for setting no access, read-only access, write-
only access, or read/write access for each crossbar master.
• For bank 0 and bank 1: Acceleration of data transfer from program flash memory to
the device:
• 64-bit prefetch speculation buffer with controls for instruction/data access per
master and bank
• 4-way, 8-set, 64-bit line size cache for a total of thirty-two 64-bit entries with
controls for replacement algorithm and lock per way for each bank
• Single-entry buffer per bank
• Invalidation control for the speculation buffer and the single-entry buffer
28.2 Modes of operation
The FMC only operates when a bus master accesses the flash memory.
For any device power mode where the flash memory cannot be accessed, the FMC is
28.3 External signal description
The FMC has no external signals.
28.4 Memory map and register descriptions
The programming model consists of the FMC control registers and the program visible
cache (data and tag/valid entries).
Program the registers only while the flash controller is idle (for
example, execute from RAM). Changing configuration settings
Modes of operation
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.