Bus name
Private peripheral (PPB) bus
The PPB provides access to these modules:
• ARM modules such as the NVIC, ITM, DWT, FBP, and ROM table
• Freescale Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) System Tick Timer
The System Tick Timer's clock source is always the core clock, FCLK. This results in the
• The CLKSOURCE bit in SysTick Control and Status register is always set to select
the core clock.
• Because the timing reference (FCLK) is a variable frequency, the TENMS bit in the
SysTick Calibration Value Register is always zero.
• The NOREF bit in SysTick Calibration Value Register is always set, implying that
FCLK is the only available source of reference timing. Debug facilities
This device has extensive debug capabilities including run control and tracing
capabilities. The standard ARM debug port that supports JTAG and SWD interfaces.
Also the cJTAG interface is supported on this device. Core privilege levels
The ARM documentation uses different terms than this document to distinguish between
privilege levels.
If you see this term...
it also means this term...
Unprivileged or user
3.2.2 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Configuration
This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full
documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.