Chapter 19
Crossbar Switch Lite (AXBS-Lite)
19.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances, see the chip configuration information.
The information found here provides information on the layout, configuration, and
programming of the crossbar switch.
The crossbar switch connects bus masters and bus slaves using a crossbar switch
structure. This structure allows up to four bus masters to access different bus slaves
simultaneously, while providing arbitration among the bus masters when they access the
same slave.
19.1.1 Features
The crossbar switch includes these features:
• Symmetric crossbar bus switch implementation
• Allows concurrent accesses from different masters to different slaves
• 32-bit data bus
• Operation at a 1-to-1 clock frequency with the bus masters
• Programmable configuration for fixed-priority or round-robin slave port arbitration
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.