Table 25-16. MCG modes of operation (continued)
Bypassed Low Power
Internal (BLPI)
Bypassed Low Power Internal (BLPI) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• 01 is written to C1[CLKS].
• 1 is written to C1[IREFS].
• 0 is written to C6[PLLS].
• 1 is written to C2[LP].
In BLPI mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the internal reference clock. The FLL is disabled and
PLL is disabled even if C5[PLLCLKEN] is set to 1.
Bypassed Low Power
External (BLPE)
Bypassed Low Power External (BLPE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• 10 is written to C1[CLKS].
• 0 is written to C1[IREFS].
• 1 is written to C2[LP].
In BLPE mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the OSCSEL external reference clock. The FLL is
disabled and PLL is disabled even if the C5[PLLCLKEN] is set to 1.
Entered whenever the MCU enters a Stop state. The power modes are chip specific. For power
mode assignments, see the chapter that describes how modules are configured and MCG behavior
during Stop recovery. Entering Stop mode, the FLL is disabled, and all MCG clock signals are static
except in the following case:
MCGPLLCLK is active in Normal Stop mode when PLLSTEN=1
MCGIRCLK is active in Normal Stop mode when all the following conditions become true:
• C1[IRCLKEN] = 1
• C1[IREFSTEN] = 1
• When entering Low Power Stop modes (LLS or VLPS) from PEE mode, on exit the
MCG clock mode is forced to PBE clock mode. C1[CLKS] and S[CLKST] will be
configured to 2’b10 and S[LOCK] bit will be cleared without setting S[LOLS].
• When entering Normal Stop mode from PEE mode and if C5[PLLSTEN]=0, on exit
the MCG clock mode is forced to PBE mode, the C1[CLKS] and S[CLKST] will be
configured to 2’b10 and S[LOCK] bit will clear without setting S[LOLS]. If
C5[PLLSTEN]=1, the S[LOCK] bit will not get cleared and on exit the MCG will
continue to run in PEE mode.
1. If entering VLPR mode, MCG has to be configured and enter BLPE mode or BLPI mode with the Fast IRC clock selected
(C2[IRCS]=1). After it enters VLPR mode, writes to any of the MCG control registers that can cause an MCG clock mode
switch to a non low power clock mode must be avoided.
For the chip-specific modes of operation, see the power
management chapter of this MCU.
Functional description
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.