• GetPropertyResponse
• ReadMemoryResponse
GenericResponse: After the Kinetis Flashloader has processed a command, the
flashloader will send a generic response with status and command tag information to the
host. The generic response is the last packet in the command protocol sequence. The
generic response packet contains the framing packet data and the command packet data
(with generic response tag = 0xA0) and a list of parameters (defined in the next section).
The parameter count field in the header is always set to 2, for status code and command
tag parameters.
Table 13-13. GenericResponse Parameters
Byte #
0 - 3
Status code
The Status codes are errors encountered during the execution of a
command by the target (Kinetis Flashloader). If a command succeeds,
then a kStatus_Success code is returned.
Flashloader Status Error Codes, lists the status codes returned to the host
by the Kinetis Flashloader.
4 - 7
Command tag
The Command tag parameter identifies the response to the command sent
by the host.
GetPropertyResponse: The GetPropertyResponse packet is sent by the target in
response to the host query that uses the GetProperty command. The GetPropertyResponse
packet contains the framing packet data and the command packet data, with the
command/response tag set to a GetPropertyResponse tag value (0xA7).
The parameter count field in the header is set to greater than 1, to always include the
status code and one or many property values.
Table 13-14. GetPropertyResponse Parameters
Byte #
0 - 3
Status code
4 - 7
Property value
. . .
. . .
Can be up to maximum 6 property values, limited to the size of the 32-bit
command packet and property type.
The ReadMemoryResponse packet is sent by the target in response to the host sending a
ReadMemory command. The ReadMemoryResponse packet contains the framing packet
data and the command packet data, with the command/response tag set to a
ReadMemoryResponse tag value (0xA3), the flags field set to
kCommandFlag_HasDataPhase (1).
Functional Description
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.