Table 3-63. SPI receive FIFO size
SPI Module
Receive FIFO size
1 Number of PCS signals
The following table shows the number of peripheral chip select signals available per SPI
Table 3-64. SPI PCS signals
SPI Module
PCS Signals
For packages with greater than 64 pins: SPI_PCS[5:0]
For packages with 64 pins: SPI_PCS[4:0]
For packages with greater than 64 pins: SPI_PCS[3:0]
For packages with 64 pins: SPI_PCS[1:0] SPI Operation in Low Power Modes
In VLPR and VLPW modes the SPI is functional; however, the reduced system
frequency also reduces the max frequency of operation for the SPI. In VLPR and VLPW
modes the max SPI_CLK frequency is 2MHz.
In stop and VLPS modes, the clocks to the SPI module are disabled. The module is not
functional, but it is powered so that it retains state.
There is one way to wake from stop mode via the SPI, which is explained in the
following section. Using GPIO Interrupt to Wake from stop mode
Here are the steps to use a GPIO to create a wakeup upon reception of SPI data in slave
1. Point the GPIO interrupt vector to the desired interrupt handler.
2. Enable the GPIO input to generate an interrupt on either the rising or falling edge
(depending on the polarity of the chip select signal).
3. Enter Stop or VLPS mode and Wait for the GPIO interrupt.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration
K22F Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 3, 7/2014
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.