Figure 35-14. Pulse-Width Capture on Channel 0
external signal
Pulsewitdh (t
The TC can detect capture overflow of the input capture channels: When a new capture event is detected
while the Capture Interrupt flag (INTFLAG.MCx) is still set, the new timestamp will not be stored and
INTFLAG.ERR will be set.
35.6.3. Additional Features One-Shot Operation
When one-shot is enabled, the counter automatically stops on the next counter overflow or underflow
condition. When the counter is stopped, the Stop bit in the Status register (STATUS.STOP) is
automatically set and the waveform outputs are set to zero.
One-shot operation is enabled by writing a '1' to the One-Shot bit in the Control B Set register
(CTRLBSET.ONESHOT), and disabled by writing a '1' to CTRLBCLR.ONESHOT. When enabled, the TC
will count until an overflow or underflow occurs and stops counting operation. The one-shot operation can
be restarted by a re-trigger software command, a re-trigger event, or a start event. When the counter
restarts its operation, STATUS.STOP is automatically cleared. Time-Stamp Capture
This feature is enabled when the Capture Time Stamp (STAMP) Event Action in Event Control register
(EVCTRL.EVACT) is selected. The counter TOP value must be smaller than MAX.
When a capture event is detected, the COUNT value is copied into the corresponding Channel x
Compare/Capture Value (CCx) register. In case of an overflow, the MAX value is copied into the
corresponding CCx register.
When a valid captured value is present in the capture channel register, the corresponding Capture
Channel x Interrupt Flag (INTFLAG.MCx) is set.
The timer/counter can detect capture overflow of the input capture channels: When a new capture event
is detected while the Capture Channel interrupt flag (INTFLAG.MCx) is still set, the new time-stamp will
not be stored and INTFLAG.ERR will be set.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016