24.3. Block Diagram
Figure 24-1. WDT Block Diagram
Early Warning Interrupt
24.4. Signal Description
Not applicable.
24.5. Product Dependencies
In order to use this peripheral, other parts of the system must be configured correctly, as described below.
24.5.1. I/O Lines
Not applicable.
24.5.2. Power Management
The WDT can continue to operate in any sleep mode where the selected source clock is running. The
WDT interrupts can be used to wake up the device from sleep modes. The events can trigger other
operations in the system without exiting sleep modes.
Related Links
24.5.3. Clocks
The WDT bus clock (CLK_WDT_APB) can be enabled and disabled (masked) in the Main Clock module
A 1KHz oscillator clock (CLK_WDT_OSC) is required to clock the WDT internal counter. This clock must
be configured and enabled in the 32KHz Oscillator Controller (OSC32KCTRL) before using the WDT.
CLK_WDT_OSC is normally sourced from the clock of the internal ultra-low-power oscillator,
OSCULP32K. Due to the ultra-low-power design, the oscillator is not very accurate, and so the exact
time-out period may vary from device to device. This variation must be kept in mind when designing
software that uses the WDT to ensure that the time-out periods used are valid for all devices.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016