16.6.2. Basic Operation Initialization
Before a Generator is enabled, the corresponding clock source should be enabled. The Peripheral clock
must be configured as outlined by the following steps:
The Generator must be enabled (GENCTRLn.GENEN=1) and the division factor must be set
(GENTRLn.DIVSEL and GENCTRLn.DIV) by performing a single 32-bit write to the Generator
Control register (GENCTRLn).
The Generic Clock for a peripheral must be configured by writing to the respective Peripheral
Channel Control register (PCHCTRLm). The Generator used as the source for the Peripheral Clock
must be written to the GEN bit field in the Peripheral Channel Control register (PCHCTRLm.GEN).
Each Generator n is configured by one dedicated register GENCTRLn.
Each Peripheral Channel m is configured by one dedicated register PCHCTRLm. Enabling, Disabling, and Resetting
The GCLK module has no enable/disable bit to enable or disable the whole module.
The GCLK is reset by setting the Software Reset bit in the Control A register (CTRLA.SWRST) to 1. All
registers in the GCLK will be reset to their initial state, except for Peripheral Channels and associated
Generators that have their Write Lock bit set to 1 (PCHCTRLm.WRTLOCK). For further details, refer to Generic Clock Generator
Each Generator (GCLK_GEN) can be set to run from one of nine different clock sources except
GCLK_GEN[1], which can be set to run from one of eight sources. GCLK_GEN[1] is the only Generator
that can be selected as source to others Generators.
Each generator GCLK_GEN[x] can be connected to one specific pin (GCLK_IO[y]). The GCLK_IO[y] can
be set to act as source to GCLK_GEN[x] or to output the clock signal generated by GCLK_GEN[x].
The selected source can be divided. Each Generator can be enabled or disabled independently.
Each GCLK_GEN clock signal can then be used as clock source for Peripheral Channels. Each
Generator output is allocated to one or several Peripherals.
GCLK_GEN[0] is used as GCLK_MAIN for the synchronous clock controller inside the Main Clock
Controller. Refer to the Main Clock Controller description for details on the synchronous clock generation.
Figure 16-3. Generic Clock Generator
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